"As Buckminster Fuller said:
"If you want to teach people a new way of thinking, don't bother trying to teach them. Instead, give them a tool, the use of which will lead to new ways of thinking." I decided to create such a tool. This offline course is an immersive exploration of human potential. It was developed for those who want to:
- Find a point of support in an era of turbulence and take control of their lives.
- Gain an understanding of themselves and their place in a nonlinear and accelerating world.
- Create projects that will impact the future of humanity.
I work with two types of people: those who simply arrive in the future, thinking they cannot change it, and those who create that future.
The first type is the
Eventful Man, a person shaped by historical events. I can create a transformational experience for them, in which they take on the role of the architect of the future and author of their own life.
The second type is the
Event-Making Man. This is a person who shapes events themselves and sets the rules of the game in an unpredictable future. I create experiences for them, through which they go so far beyond their capabilities that they begin to design the future beyond the boundaries of their own life. And this is the path of the Legend".
Natella Speranskaya, author of the course